Home/Blog/ Kaoru Sudo / 須藤薫 - Drops LPKaoru Sudo / 須藤薫 - Drops LP May 23, 2022 by NEONMUSIC Admin Her fifth album released in 1983. A lesser known City Pop style album. With most songs having more of a midnight stroll vibe rather then the tropical beach vibe. Great pseudo art nouveau cover art as well! https://youtu.be/gWRBX6FJFiA (Shiawase No Basho) https://youtu.be/V_r2ToVZ1dU (Mayonaka No Shujinko) https://neonmusic.com.sg/collections/po-vinyl-j-pop/products/po-kaoru-sudo-drops-lp-33-rpm-out-of-print Previous article Next article